
Friday, February 19, 2016

In which Rachel goes on a ride-along with a fire department

This was a busy week in my world. I spent a good deal of this week studying for an upcoming exam in my EMT class. I also spent some time with a friend who's going through some hard times. Due to a post by Bryan over at Still Unfinished, I decided that during Lent I would dedicate one more day per week volunteering at the crisis hotline - that makes two days a week during Lent. I also had a ride-along with a fire department on Thursday. That was loads of fun - meeting the fire fighters (modern day heroes) and going on medical runs with them. Most of the runs were to nursing homes,  but we had one home visit. Wish I could share more, but due to privacy laws I can't. But I'm very grateful to the guys that made the run a great experience.

Exercising goals

As for exercising I didn't get as much done as I would have wished. I exercised a couple of days, but was incredibly busy on other days and was unable to make it in to the fitness center. There's always today, right?

Reluctant Romantic Challenge

As many of you know, I'm reading modernist literature for the Reluctant Romantic Challenge hosted by Katie at Doing Dewey. This week's update questions are

Have you read any books in the genre you’re trying before this month?

According to a tag search on LibraryThing, I've previously read only one book considered modernist - The Trial, by Franz Kafka. I was surprised when I discovered this deficiency, and that's why I chose modernism as this month's theme.  

What books have you read in this genre so far this month?

So far, I've read Mrs. Dalloway, by Virginia Woolf; A Passage to India, by E. M. Forster; and The Reivers, by William Faulkner. All were very enjoyable books, and I'll get the reviews out soon.

How is your experience with this genre this month going?

I have decided that three works of modernist literature is enough for me this month. I fried my brain. But I'm proud of myself for the effort I made to dedicate the month to modernist literature.


Aeronaut's Windlass, by Jim Butcher

Currently Reading

Yes, I know that list hasn't changed much in the last few weeks, but I'm doing the best that I can!



A Midsummer Night #nofilter is a rewriting of Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream in teenage texting format. My dad bought it for me because he thought it was funny. I'll probably read it next week. Unfair was an Audible Daily Deal. It is about the failings of America's justice system, which is a subject I'm very interested in right now. Persuasion and Moon over Soho I bought because I've decided that I've fried my brain on modernist literature this month, and I needed something lighter. But I couldn't decide WHAT I wanted to read. The Cresswell Plot and Holding Smoke are both granted wishes from Disney-Hyperion publishing group through NetGalley. I had intended on not reading any more ARCs for a while, but I can't resist signing up for wishes, which are supposed to be really hard to get. I've been granted 3 wishes this month, though, so the hard-to-get theory is going out the window.

This update is posted to Stacking the Shelves @Tynga'sReviewsSunday Salon, Sunday Post @CaffeinatedBookReviewer,   and It's Monday What are You Reading @BookDate


  1. When granted 3 wishes, beware! Genies can be tricky ☺
    Awesome haul!!
    Happy reading

  2. It is awesome that you turned the Lent tradition into something aimed at helping others.

    The fire department ride along also looks great.

  3. Nice truck!! my ex-hubby was a volunteer fireman, I got to sit in the truck-LOL. Great books!

  4. I'd hoped to read more fiction this year, and I started well, but now I'm back to my usual mostly-nonfiction routine. Need to shake that up soon.

    Nothing like a ride on a fire truck!

  5. Wait? You exercised a couple of days? That's great. That's better than I've been doing. Zero days. Good for you. Also glad I could inspire you but I think that you probably already are doing a "Lenten penance" by being there for your friend.

  6. Sounds like a great week even if it didn't include much reading! I'm glad you were able to do your extra volunteering day like you hoped. Good luck in your class!

  7. Love your idea for Lent. Holding Smoke looks interesting. You have a nice mix in your haul. It sounds like you are doing good with exercise. Hopefully you get a little reading in. Have a great week, and good luck with classes.

  8. That's awesome about your volunteering for Lent. And I have a lot of respect for the EMT's- when my dad fell they had to come and help him out. I live on the other side of the state and am not always there when something happens...

    I am going to try Aeronaut's Windlass I think, at some point...

  9. Looks like a great week for you.

    Unfortunately, I rarely go out of my reading genre.

    Have a wonderful last week of February.

    Silver's Reviews
    My It's Monday, What Are You Reading

  10. Love it when people do positive things for Lent that help others. Awesome.
