
Friday, December 18, 2015

Finals are Over and Winter is Coming

She's ready to defend the galaxy
This week was much less eventful and more delightful than last week. I took a furlough from blogging so that I could reduce stress and concentrate on studying for my final exam in Abnormal Psychology. I'm optimistic about my grade in that class. :)

When Fall began, I made some fitness plans - lets re-explore them. Did I give up caffeine? NO! Not even close. Did I exercise? Well, my job is a workout, so I suppose I did. Did I use the happy lamp? Well, yes, but then I went mixed bipolar and my therapist told me to stop using it. :( End result? Didn't lose weight, still addicted to caffeine, and got sicker than I imagined I would. But....Winter is coming! A new season means some new plans. 

Inspired by Ipsofactodotme's #NoSugar challenge, I will start a semester-long #NoCaffeine challenge. I will white-knuckle the caffeine and hope that all of you will cheer me on. I'll give you an update each week on how I'm doing.

This semester, I'm taking an EMT training class (yes, the one I dropped last semester). This class will be less easy to adapt to blog posts, so instead I'll include a bullet point list of anything interesting I've learned. Hopefully that will keep me on my toes.  

Books Completed

Books Acquired

This update is posted to
Stacking the Shelves @Tynga'sReviews

Sunday Salon
Sunday Post @CaffeinatedBookReviewer  
It's Monday What are You Reading @BookDate


  1. My wife was an EMT for a few years and now works as a 911 dispatcher. I appreciate all the time and effort she put in and is putting in. It's not easy, I know, from the stories she's told me, and depending on the state, the testing isn't, so good luck. But I'm sure you'll do fine, based on other classes you've had. It's not like you're going into it without any knowledge of it.

    1. I hope I'll do well on the test. I'm hoping that I can get some financial aid for school so I'll have a little more time to study for it!

  2. Good luck on #NoCaffeine -- cheering you on. I managed to kick my caffeinated soda addiction, but did it by substituting tea, so I'm afraid I have no hard-won advice to help you there.

  3. Love that pic, cool lightsaber! Glad this week was better- and good luck with kicking caffeine. I kinda gave up caffeine, but sugar- not so much. I just went with non caffeinated soda... LOL.

    Good luck with the EMT class! And have a nice week too.

    1. Yeah, I haven't given up chocolate, only soda, tea, and coffee. I simply don't eat enough chocolate that it's harmful to my anxiety levels. At least I hope not! Because I'm not giving it up!
